Saturday, January 24, 2015


2. Husband/Wife teach your child a new skill. Develop a talent, a gift you noticed. Remember to respect his/her uniqueness.You will discover that your children change interests as they grow, it is your job to help them chart a good cause for their life's journey. This little stars or lights are sometimes an indication of the direction to follow with your children.
If you are familiar with the bible scripture Psalm 127:3-5; "... Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children...". This is a rich and unique illustration of your responsibility to your children "Helping them achieve purpose". Considering this bible verse, the distance your child will go is tied to your ability

1. Be aware that there is an arrow in your quiver
Lols. You will be wondering why i said you need to know that there is an arrow in your quiver. Some parents don't believe in there children, this is as good as the kid not being there at all. So you need to pay attention to that child no matter how he is. Remember in the Part 1 of Building a Motivated Home we talked about "Respecting the individual uniqueness of your child/children.

2. Build a Strong Arm
The second part is completely about you the parent, the archer needs to develop a strong arm to help pull the bow and shoot the arrow. You will need to read about raising children, spend time understanding your children. Get a job. The arrow needs a bow, this refers to resources provided by you. Good school, domestic needs etc. They need to be provided for.

3. Positioning the Arrow
Take time to teach them something new or develop a talent, gift you notice. This means you will have to be observant and be part of your child's life. Do not be an absentee parent, cos someone else will father them. Start your child's success journey very early. Let your home be a rehearsal; ground for them to take on the challenges well prepared when they are outside the house. 

Remember do not force, teach, guide, counsel, tutor, nurture. How far the arrow goes is dependent on the strength of the arm that throws it. Never forget this "RESPECT THE UNIQUENESS OF YOUR CHILD, THERE IS NO WEAK CHILD THERE IS ONLY A WEAK PARENT"


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